Usability doesn't mean simplicity
Your list deserves to be managed in the most efficient way. ePigeon will help you take full control of it and acknowledge your subscribers's needs thanks to its features, always developed having you in mind.
With more than 10 years of experience behind them, our technical team will analyse your sendings and will help you boost your profits.
GDPR compliant
ePigeon is fully committed to protect your data. We're compliant with the European privacy law that regulates how individuals and organizations collect, use, and retain personal data.
Manage your statistics in real time! Monitor your sendouts and gather everything you need to optimize your results.
Campaign editor
Create, personalise, and segment your emailing campaigns in a fast, easy, and effective way. With our editor, you'll be able to edit your HTML code easily. Preview, send tests and schedule your campaigns using our quick action buttons.
Personalised segments
Segment by interests, activity, vendors, and much more! Use your subscribers data to improve their engagement.
Match lists
With our unique tool, you'll be able to include/exclude matching lists in your sendings, even if they're encrypted in MD5 or SHA256. Managing your deduplication or suppression lists over all your lists has never been easier.
Take a Step Further
1. Plan & Research
Thanks to our detailed statistics, you will be able to trace the best plan to reach the maximum number of subscribers in your list.
2. Optimize
Create specific segments easily and get the attention of your subscribers. Save time with our Newsletter editor, create your own templates and reuse them.
3. Get Results
Improve your deliverability results thanks to our technology, don't miss an email along the way.